Pipeline Cookbook

The heuristics adopted in the pipeline appear to work well in the majority of cases, but there are invariably cases not adequately treated by the defaults and thus require custom processing. To aid in the processing of a FAUST target, the pipeline provides helper classes that abstract away the book-keeping aspects into individual tasks to be configured depending on the requirements of a particular field and SPW.

Note that because the pipeline is computationally intensive, even imaging a single SPW can take a day or more when CASA is run using single threaded execution, and still a substantial amount of time when executed in parallel.

Running the default pipeline

The faust_imaging.ImageConfig class provides the primary interface to tclean within CASA and encapsulates properties specific to a field, SPW, array configuration, and desired tclean parameters. Please refer to the API Documentation and the docstring for additional information on the calling convention of this class.

To run all tasks of the pipeline with default parameters, first create an instance of the faust_imaging.ImageConfig class and use the faust_imaging.ImageConfig.run_pipeline() method.

config = ImageConfig.from_name('CB68', '244.936GHz_CS', weighting=0.5)

The full list of SPW labels may be found in the ALL_SPW_LABELS variable. The above command will generate the default pipeline image products for the target field CB68, for the CS (5-4) line of Setup 2, using a Briggs robust factor of 0.5. The full calling convention is:

        '<FIELD>',  # field name, e.g., "CB68". See the global var `ALL_FIELDS`
        '<LABEL>',  # SPW label, e.g., "244.936GHz_CS"
        # ^ Use a number for Briggs robust or a string recognized by tclean,
        # e.g., 'uniform' or 'natural'. The default is 0.5.
        # ^ Image the full bandwidth of the SPW or a narrow 20km/s window
        # centered on the primary line of interest. The default is True.
        # ^ What combination of array configurations to use. Possible values
        # include ('joint', '12m', '7m'). The default is 'joint'.

Pipeline task description

The faust_imaging.ImageConfig.run_pipeline() method discussed above is primarily a wrapper for calling all of the pipeline tasks in sequence using the default parameters. For custom imaging, it is recommended that users create a recipe using the underlying tasks. As an example, this is the code that is executed by default:

config = ImageConfig.from_name(...)
ext = 'clean'  # extensionn name for final cleaned products
config.clean_line(mask_method='seed+multithresh', ext=ext)
config.postprocess(ext=ext, make_fits=True)

The following sections describe the function of each pipeline step in detail. The start of each sub-section includes a link to the API documentation where a detailed description of the parameters may be found.

make_dirty_cube: Creating the dirty cube

faust_imaging.ImageConfig.make_dirty_cube(). A call to tclean is first made with niter=0 to grid and transform the data. These data products have the default extension name of “dirty” which may be changed by modifying the global variable DIRTY_EXT. The dirty image products are used for computing the RMS and computing the common frequency coverage between different array configurations.

clean_line_nomask: Initial un-masked cleaning

faust_imaging.ImageConfig.clean_line_nomask(). The “auto-multithresh” method for automated clean mask generation in tclean determines noise characterstics per-plane, along with other heuristics based on the maximum negative residual, which can make cleaning extended emission where substantial filtering present problematic. For this reason an initial deconvolution is performed without masking to a relatively shallow depth set by the parameter sigma with a default value of 4.5 times the RMS. Files are generated using the default extension name “nomask” which can be set using the globa variable NOMSK_EXT. To avoid diverging in the unrestricted clean, large angular scales may be excluded from multiscale clean using the scale_upper_limit parameter.

make_seed_mask: Creating the threshold mask

faust_imaging.ImageConfig.make_seed_mask(). A threshold is applied to the restored image generated by clean_line_nomask to create an initial input mask to “seed” the mask created with auto-multithresh. This ensures that all channels, even those with strong spatial filtering, are masked. The threshold to apply may be set with the sigma parameter; the default is 5.0 times the RMS.

clean_line: Second, masked cleaning

faust_imaging.ImageConfig.clean_line(). A second, new round of deconvolution is performed using the thresholded mask generated in the previous steps as a “seed” for auto-multithresh. This combination of the seed mask and auto-multithresh is the recommended method and is the default masking method, and set as the default through the parameter mask_method="seed+multithresh". If mask_method="auto-multithresh" is used then the prior two pipeline steps used to generate the “seed” mask are not required. The global clean threshold can be set with the sigma parameter. The parameter ext sets the string appended to the filename. The standard convention is to use “clean” for these final products, but other names may be used when experimenting with different parameters to avoid over-writing existing runs.

Runs can be restarted and cleaned interactively using the restart and interactive keyword arguments. See Restarting for further detail.

postprocess: Image cube postprocessing

faust_imaging.ImageConfig.postprocess(). Lastly, a few minor post processing steps are applied to the image products generated by clean_line. These include (1) checking whether the maximum value of the residual image exceeds 5.5-sigma, (2) correcting the restored image for the primary beam attenuation, (3) smoothing the image to a common-beam angular resolution, and (4) exporting the CASA image to a FITS image. The final FITS image names will be of the form:

# template form:
# example:

As an optional final step, quality assurance plots can be generated. These plots are useful for assessing whether further deconvolution is required. Making these plots is described in QA Plots.

Quality assurance plots

Quality Assurance (QA) plots are useful for quickly obtaining an overview of whether the deconvolved products are satisfactory. The function faust_imaging.make_all_qa_plots() can be used to generate channel maps of all restored images and residual images for a field where the peak restored image intensity exceeds 6-sigma. PDF and PNG files are written to the directory specified in PLOT_DIR (by default <PROD_DIR>/plots).

# to overwrite all existing plots, use the default overwrite=True
make_all_qa_plots('CB68', ext='clean')

# to skip plots that have already been made, set overwrite=False
make_all_qa_plots('CB68', ext='clean', overwrite=False)

To make an individual QA plot from an image path name use faust_imaging.make_qa_plots_from_image():

# example filename for CB68 CS (5-4)
imagename = 'images/CB68/CB68_244.936GHz_CS_joint_0.5_clean.image'

For developing custom plotting routines, the faust_imaging.CubeSet class may be of use.

Cleaning up and removing files

The pipeline produces a large number of intermediate image products. These products can be kept in order to restart unsatisfactory imaging results or removed if the final products are suitable.

config = ImageConfig.from_name('CB68', '244.936GHz_CS', weighting='natural',

# The helper method ".remove_all_files()" will identify all files/images with
# names matching the configuration file stem, in this example:
#    images/CB68/CB68_244.936GHz_CS_12m_natural*
# but not others runs imaged with joint 12/7m data or other uv-weightings.

Intermediate image products that are unnecessary for the functioning of the pipeline or restarting image processes are removed during the run. If you wish to preserve these image products, such as for example the .model image to the un-masked clean run, then all intermediate products can be kept by setting the faust_imaging.ImageConfig.preserve_all_intermediate_products attribute:

config = ImageConfig.from_name(...)
config.preserve_all_intermediate_products = True

Imaging cut-out velocity windows

The default pipeline setting of fullcube=True will image the entire bandwidth of the SPW. These can be rather large, typically more than 470 channels or 90 km/s. If only a particular line is of interest, then a cut-out in frequency may be imaged to reduce run-time cost and disk space requirements.

If the line to be imaged was the primary target of the SPW, then no changes need to be made, e.g., Setup 1 C18O J=2-1 near 219.56 GHz. The default velocity bandwidth is 20 km/s (+/- 10 km/s about the system velocity) but may be set with the attribute faust_imaging.ImageConfig.line_vwin.

config = ImageConfig.from_name(..., fullcube=False)
# Set the window for +/- 2.5 km/s (full-width of 5 km/s) centered on the
# system velocity.
config.line_vwin = '5km/s'

The primary transition targeted by the SPW can be determined by comparing the value of spw.mol_name (primary molecule) to spw.name (full SPW name with transitions from the correlator configuration).

Imaging cut-outs that were not the primary transitions targeted by an SPW requires creating new instances of the classes faust_imaging.Spw and faust_imaging.DataSet. An instance of ImageConfig then must be created directly. This can be particularly useful for the continuum windows which are resource intensive to process with full bandwidth cubes.

# We wish to image the acetaldehyde CH3CHO 11(1,10)-10(1,9) transition
# also found in the Setup 1 SPW ID 27. The primary targeted line was
# deuterated ammonia NH2D 3(2,2)s-3(2,1)a. Create a copy of this window
# and change the molecule name (for files and paths) and the line
# rest frequency of the new transition.
spw = ALL_SPWS['216.563GHz_NH2D'].copy()
spw.mol_name = 'CH3CHO'
spw.restfreq = '216.58193040GHz'  # from SLAIM
# Initialize the DataSet class, which contains information such as image
# and cell size, etc., with the same Setup as our SPW (Setup 1 in this
# example).
dset = DataSet('CB68', setup=spw.setup, kind='joint')
# Initialize the `ImageConfig` class directly from the instances and
# run the pipeline.
config = ImageConfig(dset, spw, fullcube=False)
config.line_vwin = '5km/s'  # default 20 km/s
# The final image products will be named as:
#   CB68_216.582GHz_CH3CHO_joint_0.5_5kms_clean.*

Modifying multi-scale parameters

To adjust the default parameters used by multi-scale CLEAN in the pipeline, modify the attributes listed in the example below:

config = ImageConfig.from_name('CB68', '244.936GHz_CS')
# The default scales, in pixels, are (0, 15, 45, 135) corresponding to
# approximately 0, 0.45, 1.35, 4.05 arcsec for a typical HPBW of 0.3as
# and an over-sampling factor of 10 (cell size of 0.03as). Here, we
# replace the 45 pixel scale with two new scales: 30 and 60 pixels.
config.scales = [0, 15, 30, 60, 135]  # pix
# We also increase the small-scale bias parameter from the pipeline
# default of -1.0 to -0.5.
config.smallscalebias = -0.5

Restarting tclean and manual masking

Some datasets can be difficult to clean satisfactorily with the default pipeline settings, particularly those with extended emission that suffers heavy spatial filtering (ex. C180, c-C3H2). Good results on these cubes may require manual intervention in the defining the clean masks. After inspecting the results of the pipeline products, a run can be restarted using the same settings but using the restart and interactive keyword arguments of faust_imaging.ImageConfig.clean_line():

config = ImageConfig(...)
# The pipeline should already have been run previously and for this example
# there should exist images with names ending in the extension "clean".

# Now restart the deconvolution using the existing files and run it in
# interactive mode. It's likely a good idea to backup the `.model` and
# `.mask` files in the event the deconvolution fairs poorly. Also, if you
# wish to clean more deeply, one can set the `sigma` argument to a lower
# value here.
config.clean_line(ext='clean', restart=True, interactive=True)
# Note that an alias is included for this use, identical in arguments and
# calling convention as above, named:
#   config.clean_line_interactive_restart(ext='clean')
# Now, if the results are satisfactory, apply the post-processing steps
# to finish the pipeline.

The above commands will pull up the CASA interactive viewer for creating the clean masks manually. It is recommended to set the cycleniter in the upper left to a low value, perhaps 100 iterations, and to use the green “recycling” arrow to execute a few iterations. The un-cleaned emission of interest is often present in channels with extended emission near the edge of the primary beam mask. These channels have a high-probability of diverging if left to finish the run using the blue “right arrow”. Once the extended emission appears to have been cleaned satisfactorily, finish the run by clicking the red “stop sign” button.

Restarting tclean can also be performed without using the interactive mode. One example usage may be cleaning to a shallow depth, inspecting the results or applying a few tweaks, and then cleaning more deeply.

config = ImageConfig(...)
# ... pipeline has been run up to `.clean_line`
# First, clean relatively shallowly to 3.5-sigma and let it run
# automatically.
config.clean_line(ext='clean', sigma=3.5)
# Inspect the resulting cubes to see if the results are satisfactory. The
# QA plots could be made for the target, for example.
# Now, continue the deconvolution to a lower depth of 2.0-sigma
config.clean_line(ext='clean', restart=True, sigma=2.0)

Creating moment maps

Moment maps and other point estimators (e.g., maximum) may be generated from the data using the faust_imaging.make_all_moment_maps() function for all of the SPWs of a target or faust_imaging.make_moments_from_image() for a single SPW of a target.

# Create moment maps for all SPWs. The `vwin` parameter sets the velocity
# window half-width in km/s to calculate the moment over.
make_all_moment_maps('CB68', ext='clean', vwin=5)

# Generate a single set of moment maps
imagename = 'images/CB68/CB68_244.936GHz_CS_joint_0.5_clean.image'
make_moments_from_image(imagename, vwin=5)

The moments are calculated by masking pixels which are not (a) in the clean mask and (b) do not meet a significance cut on a Hanning smoothed cube. The moments are computed using the unsmoothed data.

Manually setting the RMS

By default the global RMS used for deriving thresholds is computed from the full dirty cube. For small windows where >50% of the channels may contain significant emission, this globally RMS value may not be appropriate. If the desired RMS value to use is known, the faust_imaging.ImageConfig.rms attribute may be set manually.

config = ImageConfig(...)
config.rms = 0.001  # in Jy

Frequency-chunked image processing

The memory requirements for imaging the full spectral windows using the fullcube=True are demanding, requiring several hundred gigabytes of RAM. In principle running tclean with the parameter chankchunks=-1 serially processes individual frequency ranges to conserve memory, unfortunately problems persist. The most serious issues observed are that the final concatentation step in tclean can segfault, and that copying the internal mask files using makemask also frequently fails for large image cubes.

To relieve memory requirements, the pipeline may be run on individual frequency intervals or “chunks”. By default the pipeline procedure faust_imaging.ImageConfig.run_pipeline() will chunk and concatenate the results:

config = ImageConfig(...)  # or `.from_name(...)`

# or explicitly
config.run_pipeline(ext='clean', use_chunking=True, nchunks=4)

The number of chunks can be controlled with the nchunks parameter. If left unset, then the number of chunks is chosen heuristically. The chunked configs may also be created from a normal instance using faust_imaging.ImageConfig.duplicate_into_chunks() and treated individually for more customized processing. This creates an instance of faust_imaging.ChunkedConfigSet which both encapsulates the chunked images and provides several helper methods.

# Initialize an image configuration instance with the desired properties.
full_config = ImageConfig(...)
# Create 4 chunks with properties inherited from the above, full instance.
# Note that if a ".sumwt" file does not exist, a dirty image will be
# made of a small field in order to calculate it first.
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks(nchunks=4)
# Standard pipeline processing may now proceed on each chunked config.
for config in chunked_configs:
# Post-process each chunked individually but using information from
# all of the runs (such as for determining the common beam)

By default, most image extensions (e.g., ‘.image’, etc.) are concatenated by faust_imaging.ChunkedConfigSet.postprocess(). Images may also be explicitly concatenated with faust_imaging.ChunkedConfigSet.concat_cubes().

The pipeline procedures may also be run in different instances in CASA to process parts of the image in parallel. To do so, simply ensure that the same configuration options are applied in order to reproduce the equivalent ImageConfig instances, as below:

# In CASA instance 1, process chunks 0 and 1. Note that Python syntax for
# slicing (i.e., ":2") is inclusive on the lower limit but exclusive on
# the upper limit.
full_config = ImageConfig(...)
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks(nchunks=4)
first_half = chunked_configs[:2]
for config in first_half:

# In CASA instance 2, process chunks 2 and 3. Ensure that the same
# configuration options and modifications are also applied here as well!
full_config = ImageConfig(...)
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks(nchunks=4)
second_half = chunked_configs[2:]
for config in second_half:

# Now, in any CASA instance after the above two have finished running,
# merge the image products.
full_config = ImageConfig(...)
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks(nchunks=4)
# Post-process each chunk separately and then concatenate the results.

For specific example recipes, please refer to the Parallel CASA section.

Imaging Setup 3 SPWs with small chunk sizes

Due to the large field-of-view, small beam size, and large number of channels, imaging the Setup 3 SPWs poses a formidable data processing challenge (typical image dimensions of 3500x3500x1000). Individual Setup 3 cubes can also be about 10 to 40 times larger in file size (~40 to 200 GB for a single cube) which can cause significant issues in CASA usinng machines even with 500 GB RAM.

To effectively process these the Setup 3 SPWs, processing in small frequency interval “chunks” is required (see Chunking). Chunked images of only ~10 channels however may report biased image RMS values if emission is present over most channels (see Set Rms). Written below is a recipe for creating a few dirty cubes, calculating their RMS values, and then using that RMS value for all chunks.

# First calculate the frequency intervals of the chunks. For N2H+ with ~950
# channels and 100 chunks, a typical chunked image has 9 channels.
full_config = ImageConfig.from_name('CB68', '93.181GHz_N2Hp')
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks(nchunks=100)
# Create dirty cubes and check the RMS values at the low-end, middle, and
# high-end of the band. The little helper function below is only for
# brevity. Note that the computing the RMS at the middle of the band is
# safe for N2H+ since the band center frequency is offset! This is not
# always the case.
def get_chunk_rms(config):
    return config.rms
lo_rms = get_chunk_rms(chunked_configs[ 2])
md_rms = get_chunk_rms(chunked_configs[49])
hi_rms = get_chunk_rms(chunked_configs[97])
# Check the RMS values here to see that they are pretty similar, if within
# ~10%, then it is reasonable to simply set it for all chunks.

# Now remake the config and run all chunks. By setting the RMS of the
# prototype instance it is propagated to all of the duplicate instances.
full_config = ImageConfig.from_name('CB68', '93.181GHz_N2Hp')
full_config.rms = md_rms  # or whatever
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks(nchunks=100)
for config in chunked_configs:

Ozone lines are present near several SPWs that raise the RMS values appreciably (>30%) close to the band edge (e.g., “231.221GHz_13CS” and “231.322GHz_N2Dp”). For these SPWs setting a uniform RMS is not appropriate. It is straight forward however to increase the RMS for certain chunks or even set the value for each chunk individually using an interpolation function.

# Set the top 15 chunks (85-99) to have double the RMS.
rms = 0.003
full_config = ImageConfig.from_name('CB68', '93.181GHz_N2Hp')
full_config.rms = rms
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks(nchunks=100)
for config in chunked_configs:
    if config.chunk.index > 84:
        config.rms = 2 * rms

Restarting and manually cleaning a single chunk

Absorption and strong spatial filtering occassionally yield unsatisfactory results using the default heuristics of the pipeline. To manually restart and clean problematic chunks without re-running the full pipeline one can deconvolve and post-process chunks individually. For example, one can retrieve a specific image chunk by its channel number and then restart the deconvolution using interactive masking (as described in the Restarting section). The post-processing can be run individually for a chunk that is re-imaged without repeating the post-processing steps for all of the other chunks using the use_existing_except keyword parameter in faust_imaging.ChunkedConfigSet.postprocess(). The original concatenated products will then be replaced by new the ones containing the modified chunk(s).

# Create the configuration instances in the same way as they were set in the
# original run. For CB68 in CS (5-4), the default is 4 chunks:
full_config = ImageConfig.from_name('CB68', '244.936GHz_CS')
chunked_configs = full_config.duplicate_into_chunks()

# After reviewing the full, concatenated cubes of the pipeline run, it
# is found that channel index number 255 (i.e., indexed from 0, which is
# also the convention of the `casaviewer`) is insufficiently masked. For
# a cube with 477 channels in 4 chunks, this corresponds to chunk index 2.
# The chunk indices are also reflected in the image file names ("_chunk2_").
# Here we retrieve the configuration containing the desired channel index:
config_with_issues = chunked_configs.get_chunk_from_channel(255)

# Clean the line interactively, restarting using the model and mask on disk.
config_with_issues.clean_line(ext='clean', interactive=True, restart=True,

# Remake the products for chunk2, but use the existing products from the
# other chunks. Concatenate all results together into new final cubes.
chunk_index = config_with_issues.chunk.index
chunked_configs.postprocess(ext='clean', use_existing_except=[chunk_index])
# Alternatively, just re-make everything.

The QA plots and final concatenated image products will report channel indices for the full cube and these differ from the channel indices of the chunks (as they start again from 0). To inspect or retrieve the corresponding channel indices from the full cube, one can access the faust_imaging.ChunkConfig class instance faust_imaging.ImageConfig.chunk to convert between channels of the full cube and channels of the chunk.

# Continuing from the previous example but renaming for brevity's sake:
config = config_with_issues

# For reference, print the chunk index number:
print(config.chunk.index)  # -> 2

# The channel index of interest is 255 in the full cube and corresponds
# to channel 17 in chunk 2. Note that these values are indexed from zero.
# One can calculate these values using the following methods:
print(config.chunk.convert_full_chan_to_chunk(255))  # -> 17
# Or do the reverse
print(config.chunk.convert_chunk_chan_to_full(17))   # -> 255

# A full list of which channels in the full cube the chunk channels
# correspond to can be found in:
print(config.chunk.fullcube_chan_indices)  # -> [238, 239, ..., 356]

Parallelized computation with multiple CASA processes

By default the pipeline will chunk the images and process each chunk in serial. Because this proceeds quickly for chunks that are mostly noise and reduces the gridding overhead on chunks with emission, this alone reduces the run-time. Helper scripts/templates are provided however to improve the performance further by running multiple instances of CASA simultaneously to process the image chunks in parallel. Example scripts may be found in the “pipe_scripts” directory in the pipeline GitHub repository. The shell files “run_pipe.sh” and “qsub_run_pipe.sh” may be lightly modified for job name and resources requested. The CASA Python files are tailored to specific example usages, such as parallelizing over SPWs (one SPW per job) or parallelizing over the chunks of a single SPW (multiple jobs per SPW). Recipes are included for:

  • run_pipe_cb68_setup1_continuum.py Chunk the Setup 1 continuum SPW into 40 chunks (the default) and process batches of chunks in parallel. This considerably improves run-time performance compared to processing each chunk sequentially.

  • run_pipe_cb68_cs.py Chunk the CS (5-4) SPW into 50 chunks (the default is 4) and process the chunks in parallel. This is useful for quickly processing one window that is well-characterized by a single RMS (i.e., not those near telluric lines).

  • run_pipe_cb68_all_setup1_cont_parallel.py Process all of the narrow-band SPWs serially by chunk but distribute the chunks of the continuum SPW among the CASA instances for parallel processing. This more efficiently balances the work-load among the CASA instances because the continuum SPW is substantially more computationally intensive to image. For 13 narrow-band SPWs and 8 CASA instances, each instance will process 1-2 narrow-band SPWs and ~5 chunks of the continuum SPW. This script is useful for processing a complete Setup in a straightforward way.

For correct usage with the given shell scripts, each Python script must implement the top-level functions _preprocess(), _run_subset(<INDEX>), and _postprocess(). If they are not required, the _preprocess and _postprocess functions can simply execute a pass instruction for a no-op.

Personal machine

To run the pipeline in parallel on a user’s personal machine or an interactive node on nmpost, first copy the “run_pipe.py” and “run_pipe.sh” files from the GitHub repository and place them in the directory specified by PROD_DIR (i.e., where you run CASA). The template files can be renamed to aid organization, simply ensure that the name of the Python script (“run_pipe.py”) matches what is referenced in the shell script (“run_pipe.sh”).

In the shell script, set the NBATCHES variable for the number of CASA processes/sessions used. From a limited number of experiments, dividing the number of available CPU cores by 2-3 provides reasonably good CPU utilization. The number of jobs set by this variable must be greater than or equal to the number of chunks or targets set in the Python script (each job must have at least one thing to process!).

Next in the Python script, modify the template function _get_config for the desired field, transition, and number of chunks. Global configuration settings can also be set here by modifying the attributes of full_config (such as the faust_imaging.ImageConfig.rms for example, or the auto-multithresh parameters). Note that the _RUN_EXT global variable may be changed to distinguish different runs, but intermediate products such as the “nomask” and “dirty” products will be over-written. For science cases that require per-chunk configuration, program logic may be added to _run_subset.

Finally, execute the shell script (./run_pipe.sh, say). Files for both the CASA log and the STDOUT terminal output will be created for each CASA process (one can monitor progress in real time with tail -f file.log).

If issues are discovered at certain frequencies/channels, such as divergences or insufficient masking, individual chunks may be restarted without re-running all of the others following the description in the Restarting One Chunk section.

Torque job submission

To run the pipeline in parallel using Torque on the NM or CV post-processing computing clusters (“nmpost”), copy the “run_pipe.py” and “qsub_run_pipe.sh” templates from the GitHub repository and place them in the PROD_DIR directory. Change the global variables as described above. The number of CPUs requested on the line:

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16

should be more than the number of CASA instances/processes set by NBATCHES.

Applying a uv-taper

Source “IRAS_15398-3359” happens to have higher-than-requested angular resolution. To match the requested resolution (0.32 arcsec), we can apply a \(1100\, \mathrm{k}\lambda\) uv-taper:

config = ImageConfig.from_name('IRAS_15398-3359', '244.936GHz_CS')
# Use a 1100 kilo-lambda (wavelength) circular taper.
config.uvtaper = ['1100klambda']